CSS Container Queries | CSS-Tricks


Container queries are often considered a modern approach to responsive web design where traditional media queries have long been the gold standard — the reason being that we can create layouts made with elements that respond to, say, the width of their containers rather than the width of the viewport.

.parent {
container-name: hero-banner;
container-type: inline-size;

/* or container: hero-banner / inline-size; */


.child {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;

/* When the container is greater than 60 characters… */
@container hero-banner (width > 60ch) {
/* Change the flex direction of the .child element. */
.child {
flex-direction: row;

Why care about CSS Container Queries?

When using a container query, we give elements the ability to change based on their container’s size, not the viewport.

They allow us to define all of the styles for a particular element in a more predictable way.

They are more reusable than media queries in that they behave the same no matter where they are used. So, if you were to create a component that includes a container query, you could easily drop it into another project and it will still behave in the same predictable fashion.

They introduce new types of CSS length units that can be used to size elements by their container’s size.

Registering Elements as Containers

.cards {
container-name: card-grid;
container-type: inline-size;

/* Shorthand */
container: card-grid / inline-size;

This example registers a new container named card-grid that can be queried by its inline-size, which is a fancy way of saying its “width” when we’re working in a horizontal writing mode. It’s a logical property. Otherwise, “inline” would refer to the container’s “height” in a vertical writing mode.

The container-name property is used to register an element as a container that applies styles to other elements based on the container’s size and styles.

The container-type property is used to register an element as a container that can apply styles to other elements when it meets certain conditions.

The container property is a shorthand that combines the container-name and container-type properties into a single declaration.

Some Possible Gotchas

The container-name property is optional. An unnamed container will match any container query that does not target a specific container, meaning it could match multiple conditions.

The container-type property is required if we want to query a container by its size or inline-size. The size refers to the container’s inline or block direction, whichever is larger. The inline-size refers to the container’s width in the default horizontal writing mode.

The container-type property’s default value is normal. And by “normal” that means all elements are containers by default, only they are called Style Containers and can only be queried by their applied styles. For example, we can query a container’s background-color value and apply styles to other elements when the value is a certain color value.

A container cannot change its own styles. Rather, they change the styles of their contents instead. In other words, we cannot change the container’s background-color when it is a certain size — but we can change the background-color of any element inside the container. “You cannot style what you query” is a way to think about it.

A container cannot be sized by what’s in it. Normally, an element’s contents influence its size — as in, the more content in it, the larger it will be, and vice versa. But a container must be sized explicitly as part of a flex or grid layout.

Querying a Container

@container my-container (width > 60ch) {
article {
flex-direction: row;

The @container at-rule property informs the browser that we are working with a container query rather than, say, a media query (i.e., @media).

The my-container part in there refers to the container’s name, as declared in the container’s container-name property.

The article element represents an item in the container, whether it’s a direct child of the container or a further ancestor. Either way, the element must be in the container and it will get styles applied to it when the queried condition is matched.

Some Possible Gotchas

The container’s name is optional. If we leave it out, then any registered container would match when the conditions are met.

A container’s width can be queried with when the container-type property is set to either size or inline-size. That’s because size can query the element’s width or height; meanwhile, inline-size can only refer to the width.

You can query any length. So, in addition to width (i.e., inline-size), there’s an element’s aspect-ratio, block-size (i.e., height), and orientation (e.g. portrait and landscape).

Queries support the range syntax. Most of the examples so far have shown “greater than” (>) and “less than” (<), but there is also “equals” (=) and combinations of the three, such as “more than or equal to” (>=) and “less than or equal to” (<=).

Queries can be chained. That means we can write queries that meet multiple conditions with logical keywords, like and, or, and not.

Container Queries Properties & Values

Container Queries Properties & Values


container-name: none | <custom-ident>+;

Value Descriptions

none: The element does not have a container name. This is true by default, so you will likely never use this value, as its purpose is purely to set the property’s default behavior.

<custom-ident>: This is the name of the container, which can be anything, except for words that are reserved for other functions, including default, none, at, no, and or. Note that the names are not wrapped in quotes.

Initial value: none

Applies to: All elements

Inherited: No

Percentages: N/A

Computed value: none or an ordered list of identifiers

Canonical order: Per grammar

Animation: Not animatable


container-type: normal | size | inline-size;

Value Descriptions

normal: This indicates that the element is a container that can be queried by its styles rather than size. All elements are technically containers by default, so we don’t even need to explicitly assign a container-type to define a style container.

size: This is if we want to query a container by its size, whether we’re talking about the inline or block direction.

inline-size: This allows us to query a container by its inline size, which is equivalent to width in a standard horizontal writing mode. This is perhaps the most commonly used value, as we can establish responsive designs based on element size rather than the size of the viewport as we would normally do with media queries.

Initial value: normal

Applies to: All elements

Inherited: No

Percentages: N/A

Computed value: As specified by keyword

Canonical order: Per grammar

Animation: Not animatable


container: <‘container-name’> [ / <‘container-type’> ]?

Value Definitons

If <‘container-type’> is omitted, it is reset to its initial value of normalwhich defines a style container instead of a size container. In other words, all elements are style containers by default, unless we explicitly set the container-type property value to either size or inline-size which allows us to query a container’s size dimensions.

Initial value: none / normal

Applies to: All elements

Inherited: No

Percentages: N/A

Computed value: As specified

Canonical order: Per grammar

Animation: Not animatable

Container Length Units

Container Width & Height Units

UnitNameEquivalent to…cqwContainer query width1% of the queried container’s widthcqhContainer query height1% of the queried container’s height

Container Logical Directions

UnitNameEquivalent to…cqiContainer query inline size1% of the queried container’s inline size, which is its width in a horizontal writing mode.cqbContainer query block size1% of the queried container’s inline size, which is its height in a horizontal writing mode.

Container Minimum & Maximum Lengths

UnitNameEquivalent to…cqminContainer query minimum sizeThe value of cqi or cqb, whichever is smaller.cqmaxContainer query maximum sizeThe value of cqi or cqb, whichever is larger.

Container Style Queries

Container Style Queries is another piece of the CSS Container Queries puzzle. Instead of querying a container by its size or inline-size, we can query a container’s CSS styles. And when the container’s styles meet the queried condition, we can apply styles to other elements. This is the sort of “conditional” styling we’ve wanted on the web for a long time: If these styles match over here, then apply these other styles over there.

CSS Container Style Queries are only available as an experimental feature in modern web browsers at the time of this writing, and even then, style queries are only capable of evaluating CSS custom properties (i.e., variables).

Browser Support

The feature is still considered experimental at the time of this writing and is not supported by any browser, unless enabled through feature flags.

DesktopChromeFirefoxIEEdgeSafari129NoNo125TPMobile / TabletAndroid ChromeAndroid FirefoxAndroidiOS Safari125No12518.0

Registering a Style Container

article {
container-name: card;

That’s really it! Actually, we don’t even need the container-name property unless we need to target it specifically. Otherwise, we can skip registering a container altogether.

And if you’re wondering why there’s no container-type declaration, that’s because all elements are already considered containers. It’s a lot like how all elements are position: relative by default; there’s no need to declare it. The only reason we would declare a container-type is if we want a CSS Container Size Query instead of a CSS Container Style Query.

So, really, there is no need to register a container style query because all elements are already style containers right out of the box! The only reason we’d declare container-name, then, is simply to help select a specific container by name when writing a style query.

Using a Style Container Query

@container style(–bg-color: #000) {
p { color: #fff; }

In this example, we’re querying any matching container (because all elements are style containers by default).

Notice how the syntax it’s a lot like a traditional media query? The biggest difference is that we are writing @container instead of @media. The other difference is that we’re calling a style() function that holds the matching style condition. This way, a style query is differentiated from a size query, although there is no corresponding size() function.

In this instance, we’re checking if a certain custom property named –bg-color is set to black (#000). If the variable’s value matches that condition, then we’re setting paragraph (p) text color to white (#fff).

Custom Properties & Variables

.card-wrapper {
–bg-color: #000;
.card {
@container style(–bg-color: #000) {
/* Custom CSS */

Nesting Style Queries

@container style(–featured: true) {
article {
grid-column: 1 / -1;
@container style(–theme: dark) {
article {
–bg-color: #000;
–text: #fff;


CSS Container Queries are defined in the CSS Containment Module Level 3 specification, which is currently in Editor’s Draft status at the time of this writing.

Browser Support

Browser support for CSS Container Size Queries is great. It’s just style queries that are lacking support at the time of this writing.

Chrome 105 shipped on August 30, 2022, with support.

Safari 16 shipped on September 12, 2022, with support.

Firefox 110 shipped on February 14, 2023, with support.

DesktopChromeFirefoxIEEdgeSafari106110No10616.0Mobile / TabletAndroid ChromeAndroid FirefoxAndroidiOS Safari12512612516.0


Many, many examples on the web demonstrate how container queries work. The following examples are not unique in that regard in that they illustrate the general concept of applying styles when a container element meets a certain condition.

You will find plenty more examples listed in the References at the end of this guide, but check out Ahmad Shadeed’s Container Queries Lab for the most complete set of examples because it also serves as a collection of clever container query use cases.

Card Component

In this example, a “card” component changes its layout based on the amount of available space in its container.

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Call to Action Panel

This example is a lot like those little panels for signing up for an email newsletter. Notice how the layout changes three times according to how much available space is in the container. This is what makes CSS Container Queries so powerful: you can quite literally drop this panel into any project and the layout will respond as it should, as it’s based on the space it is in rather than the size of the browser’s viewport.

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Stepper Component

This component displays a series of “steps” much like a timeline. In wider containers, the stepper displays steps horizontally. But if the container becomes small enough, the stepper shifts things around so that the steps are vertically stacked.

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Icon Button

Sometimes we like to decorate buttons with an icon to accentuate the button’s label with a little more meaning and context. And sometimes we don’t know just how wide that button will be in any given context, which makes it tough to know when exactly to hide the icon or re-arrange the button’s styles when space becomes limited. In this example, an icon is displayed to the right edge of the button as long as there’s room to fit it beside the button label. If room runs out, the button becomes a square tile that stacks the icons above the label. Notice how the border-radius is set in container query units, 4cqi, which is equal to 4% of the container’s inline-size (i.e. width) and results in rounder edges as the button grows in size.

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Pagination is a great example of a component that benefits from CSS Container Queries because, depending on the amount of space we have, we can choose to display links to individual pages, or hide them in favor of only two buttons, one to paginate to older content and one to paginate to newer content.

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Articles & Tutorials

General Information



Oct 4, 2022

Say Hello to CSS Container Queries



Dec 16, 2019

The Origin Story of Container Queries



Jun 11, 2021

A Cornucopia of Container Queries



Apr 6, 2017

Container Query Discussion



Jul 1, 2015

Container Queries: Once More Unto the Breach



Aug 29, 2022

Next Gen CSS: @container



May 17, 2021

251: Container Queries are the Future



Oct 9, 2019

Let’s Not Forget About Container Queries



Dec 2, 2020

Minimal Takes on Faking Container Queries



Nov 12, 2020

The Raven Technique: One Step Closer to Container Queries

Container Size Query Tutorials

Container Style Queries

Almanac References

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